Former UFC bantamweight champion T.J. Dillashaw currently trains out of Bang Muay Thai Gym in Westminster, Colorado.
Dillashaw, who defeated Cory Sandhagen on his return to the octagon after a two-year suspension, moved to Colorado to train under Duane Ludwig. Dillashaw previously trained at Team Alpha Male in Sacramento, California, under former coach and ex-UFC fighter Urijah Faber.
'Lieutenant Dan' left TAM for Ludwig and stirred up quite a controversy, considering Faber recruited Dillashaw out of high school to train at his gym.
T.J. Dillashaw also trains with strength and conditioning coach Sam Calavitta at his facility called Treigning Lab in Yorba Linda, California.
T.J. Dillashaw's history with former gym Team Alpha Male
Dillashaw had a rather difficult departure from his first gym, Team Alpha Male in Sacramento, where he locked horns with coach Urijah Faber and other teammates like Cody Garbrandt. The drama began when Faber brought in Duane Ludwig, a former UFC fighter himself, as a striking coach at TAM.
Not surprisingly, T.J. Dillashaw, a creative striker himself, formed a connection with Ludwig. Things turned sour when Dillashaw, who held the bantamweight title at the time, decided to leave TAM and travel to Colorado to train with Duane Ludwig at Bang Muay Thai Inc.
Dillashaw's departure was taken as a betrayal by his coaches and former teammates. More so from Cody Garbrandt, who won the belt from Dominick Cruz back in 2016. The rivalry heated further when Dillashaw and Garbrandt were chosen as opposing coaches for season 25 of The Ultimate Fighter.
The first fight between T.J. Dillashaw and Cody Garbrandt at UFC 217 saw Dillashaw finish 'No Love' via second-round TKO to win the bantamweight championship back.
Watch the first fight below:
The second fight did not conclude any differently than the first. Dillashaw finished Garbrandt again, this time in the very first round.
T.J. Dillashaw returned to the octagon at UFC Vegas 32 and defeated Cory Sandhagen in a five-round battle via split decision.
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