Scorbunny, as its design suggests, is an incredibly fast Pokemon, and can become one of the fastest in the game with the right nature.
Scorbunny evolves into Cincderace, who is arguably the paramount Fire-Type Pokemon in all of Generation VIII. Cinderace gets an unbelievably good signature move in Pyro Ball, which has 120 base power. With some speed behind it, Cinderace can destroy Pokemon just by clicking Pyro Ball and outspeeding the opponent. This is Cinderace’s preferred nature:
Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinion of the writer.
The best nature for Scorbunny in Pokemon Sword and Shield
Cinderance works best with Jolly. This nature boosts Speed while lowering Special Attack. Cinderace has an extremely lackluster pool of special attacks, so having a low special attack is no issue for it. By getting the most out of its 119 base speed stats, players can guarantee moving first against a large majority of Pokemon.
Not only can Cinderace deliver potent Pyro Balls to the enemy Pokemon, but it also has a myriad of other moves that it can learn. The Pokemon gets to choose from a chocolate box of moves, including Zen Headbutt, Facade, Gunk Shot, U-Turn, High Jump Kick, Sucker Punch, and many others. Any trainer can simply pick which coverage they want and be able to hit many Pokemon for super effective damage.
On top of that, anyone who picks up Pokemon Sword and Shield and gets their hands on Scorbunny’s Hidden Ability has won the jackpot. Libero transforms Scorbunny into a type of whichever move it uses in battle. This means that every move Scorbunny uses gets the same type of attack boost. It cannot be understated how powerful this Pokemon is with Libero.
As with most Pokemon, Scorbunny doesn’t only require Jolly to be effective. Adamant, which raises Attack at the cost of Special Attack, can also help Scorbunny decimate opposing Pokemon. It will lose some speed matchups, but it will also be better at doing damage to defensive Pokemon that are more equipped to outlive Scorbunny. It will still be a relatively very fast Pokemon regardless, so Adamant Scorbunny is a fine option.
Another option that can work on Scorbunny (though considerably less effective) is the Impish nature. If a player gets an Impish Scorbunny, they certainly don’t have to panic. Scorbunny does learn Bulk Up, which is an option players might like. The Pokemon doesn’t have the highest base defense (75), but it can sustain some hits. The idea with Bulk Up is that, though the Pokemon won’t be incredibly bulky, its attacks will do a massive amount of damage from the attack boost.
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