Riley Gaines featured on beer brand's 'Real Women of America' calendar

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines has been featured in ‘woke-free” beer brand, Ultra Right beer’s latest ad campaign.

The brand belonging to "Conservative Dad", of which Seth Weathers is the CEO, launched the calendar on Wednesday as an alternative to the competitor beer brand, Bud Light. In mid-April, Weathers launched the beverage to hit back at Bud Light’s ad campaign.

Their advertisement was deemed ‘controversial’ by Weathers because it involved transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. In response, Weathers launched Ultra Right, which surpassed $1 million in sales within just 12 days of its presence in the beer market.

It gained over 10,000 customers, selling 20,000 six-packs since the month of its launch, as per FOX Business. Moreover, Weathers advertised the beer very strategically, prompting Ultra Right to be “100% woke-free” as it contained only four ingredients.

Ultra Right’s latest ad campaign has focused on featuring the ‘Real Women of America’ through its 2024 calendar. The brand signed Riley Gaines as one of the faces for the calendar, who has frequently voiced for exclusion of transgender athletes in women's sports.

Riley Gaines posing for 'Real Women of America' calendar (Image via Conservative Dad)

Other ‘conservative women’ for the calendar included Dana Loesch, Kim Klacik, Sara Gonzales, Ashley St. Clair, Josie The Redheaded Libertarian, and Peyton Drew. These big names are posing in red, blue, and white bikinis in the 2024 calendar.

Addressing the calendar, Seth Weathers said (h/t FOX Business):

"We've reached incredibly stupid times when it's 'controversial' to say men can't be women. This calendar will serve as a reminder, men can never replace the beautiful women of America."

Furthermore, he added:

"This calendar is in no way intended to discredit transwomen… because there is no such thing as a 'transwoman'."

Riley Gaines criticized the government for its message of gender equality

Riley Gaines at a hearing

In August 2023, Vice-President Kamala Harris delivered an equal rights speech on the occasion of Women’s Equality Day. She assured that the government would be working towards the expansion of voting rights that would include all Americans.

Harris also encouraged women to fight for gender equality. She also added in her speech:

"People are tired and frustrated and at times, scared. Scared that we risk losing their rights we fought so hard to win. Do we stand or do we fight? This is about the rights of women. This is about the future of our nation."

Riley Gaines immediately criticized the government representative for her speech. She took to her X (formerly known as Twitter) and wrote:

"Scared of losing the rights we fought so hard to win" this is satire, right? Bc I know you cant possibly be referencing women when you're actively taking away our rights to privacy, safety, and equal opportunity. Sports, prisons, domestic violence shelters, sororities...You're a sell out", read Gaines' tweeted, dated August 26.

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