LilyPichu announces voice actor role in the English dub of anime 'Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro'

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Lily “LilyPichu” Ki announced earlier today that she has landed a voice actor role for the English dub of the Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro. The anime has already received a positive reception from viewers.

Lily is an experienced voice actor and has worked on a number of projects, including anime and video games. She has been featured in the game Paladins as Salt Io, and in SMITE as Chang'e - Curious Courier. Her anime voice-acting projects include Sprakki/Kafra Staff in Ragnarok Origin, Miki in Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Kun Season 2 and Lanney in Gwain Saga.

LilyPichu to voice Yoshi in English dub of anime 'Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro'

Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san, or Don’t Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro was aired in Spring 2021. It is a 12-episode romcom and a slice-of-life anime and is currently ranked 1844th with a score of 7.44 out of 242k votes on MyAnimeList.

There are a total of six main characters in this anime: Nagatoro, Sunomiya, Hachioji, Yoshi, Gamau and Sakura. Lily will voice the supporting character Yoshi.

The anime is about the daily life of Naoto Hachioji, who is often teased by Hayase Nagatoro, a first-year student. After noticing the main character Hachioji, Nagatoro decided to have fun and toy with him after learning of his story, and his awkward behavior.

The character that Lily plays in this anime is called Yoshi, a blonde and goofy girl who is often seen with the other supporting character, Gamau. Yoshi is a mischievous character and a friend of Nagatoro.

Fans react to LilyPichu's announcement

People were delighted to see Lily get an opportunity to voice-act in an anime, and congratulated her. They were also intrigued by the clip which the streamer uploaded.

LilyPichu is a 30-year-old Korean-American livestreamer and content creator. She streams on Twitch and also has an active YouTube channel with 2.91 million followers with 373 million channel views. She is one of the most prominent members of the streamer group and organization OfflineTV (OTV) along with Pokimane, Scarra, Micheal Reeves and Disguised Toast.

Known for her creative personality, she is also an active musician and has produced multiple EPs.

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