The clouds of uncertainty over the status of Kevin Owens are looming large ahead of Survivor Series: WarGames in Chicago.
The Prizefighter was officially suspended by SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis last week after he broke his edict. The former Universal Champion served as the guest commentator in Corey Graves' absence and was told not to get physically involved with anyone on the show.
However, Kevin Owens disparaged Austin Theory and Grayson Waller, with whom he's been feuding for the last few weeks. During the show, the 39-year-old Superstar made full use of telestrator to mock Theory and Waller, which obviously didn't sit well with his rivals.
The two men would then show up at the commentary booth to provoke Owens, pouring water on his head and throwing an empty bottle at his fellow commentator, Kevin Patrick. This was the final straw for the Canadian Superstar as he laid his hands on Theory and Waller on the aisleway.
It is unknown how long Owens will remain suspended from the weekly programming. But it shouldn't last too long if the company is planning to book him for Survivor Series: WarGames. As of this writing, a match pitting Austin Theory and Grayson Waller against Kevin Owens seems to be on the cards, leaving him in a two-on-one situation.
Nick Aldis could lift the suspension of The Prizefighter as soon as this week on SmackDown and announce his return for a handicap match at Survivor Series: WarGames.
If that does happen, Kevin Owens might not return alone as he may have a trick up his sleeve in the name of CM Punk. As strange as the pairing sounds on paper, it would help plant the seeds for a blockbuster dream match between the two stalwarts at WrestleMania 40 next year.
The Straight Edge Superstar reportedly wanted to return to WWE earlier this year and pushed the narrative about a long-term program against Owens. With Survivor Series taking place in his hometown of Chicago, now would be the better time to pull the trigger on this dream feud.
Nick Aldis opens up about his decision to suspend Kevin Owens
Speaking on the latest edition of The Bump, SmackDown General Manager Nick Aldis explained why his decision to suspend The Prizefighter wasn't a tough call:
"It wasn’t a tough decision," said Aldis. "I’m the man who facilitated KO coming to the blue brand. I think he’s one of the very top competitors in the WWE. But I have to stick to my word. As a leader and as an executive, my word is everything. In this business, your word is your bond,"It will be interesting to see what the company has in store for Kevin Owens as Survivor Series: WarGames fast approaches.
Do you want to see CM Punk and Kevin Owens partner up against Austin Theory and Grayson Waller? Sound off in the comments section below.
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