How to solo defeat Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO Shadow Raids

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The spooky month of Halloween has plenty to offer Pokemon GO players. With the first part of the 2023 Halloween event currently running in the game, you would think that you have seen all that Niantic has planned for the players. But the reality could not have been farther from the truth. Lugia lurks in the shadows as it prepares to hit the five-star Shadow Raids in the game.

Niantic does not allow players to participate in Shadow Raids remotely with the help of Remote Raid Passes. So, if you happen to live in a rural area or you do not have many people actively playing Pokemon GO in your locality, you might have a hard time defeating this shadow monster.

A scarcity of players to raid with might make Shadow Lugia a formidable challenge to go up against. Without proper preparation, you will not be able to take down this behemoth alone.

In this article, we look at how you can prepare for the Shadow Lugia raids. We feel that with the right set of counters, a fair quantity of healing items, and a healthy stack of Purified Gems, you may be able to solo defeat this shadow beast.

Can you solo defeat Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO five-star Shadow Raids?

Artwork for Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Lugia is a dual Flying- and Psychic-type Pocket Monster. As a result, this legendary beast is vulnerable to the following elemental typings:

Shadow Lugia carries the same characteristics as its normal variant. Thus, moves of the aforementioned types will be able to deal super-effective damage to Shadow Lugia.

The dual elemental typing of Lugia also makes it resistant to the following types of creatures:

Being a five-star legendary raid boss, Shadow Lugia will have a Combat Power (CP) of 45,925. It will boast a decent attack stat of 193. While Shadow Lugia might not be the hardest-hitting raid boss, you should be concerned about its massive defense.

Shadow Lugia is an insanely bulky Pokemon with a defense stat of 310. Given that it is a shadow raid boss, this stat will increase once Shadow Lugia enters its enraged forme. If you attempt this raid without a decent amount of Purified Gems, this beast will not take any damage.

Thus, we highly doubt if it is possible to solo defeat this creature in the upcoming Shadow Raids. From the looks of it, you would need at least four or five high-level trainers to safely defeat Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO.

How to prepare for a solo Shadow Lugia raid in Pokemon GO

Official artwork for Team GO Rocket takeover (Image via Niantic)

If you still want to try your luck at solo defeating Shadow Lugia, you must have a raid party with maxed-out Rock-, Ghost-, Electric-, Ice-, and Dark-type Pocket Monsters. Maxed Mega Pokemon would also be ideal to have on your roster.

Furthermore, you will need many healing items, as your creatures will faint on numerous occasions. You must have a decent stack of Revives and Potions to bring your team back on their feet.

Last but not least, you will need to have a large supply of Purified Gems. When Shadow Lugia enters its enraged forme, you must bring it back to its normal state. Otherwise, you will not be able to deal any damage to this creature.

That being said, you should try to get at least one more high-level trainer to help you with Shadow Lugia in Pokemon GO.

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