How to open The Vault safe?

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

With the release of Payday 3, the Rock the Cradle mission has been quite a challenge to complete. While the game does offer players an open box of strategies to choose from, without proper coordination, the mission unfortunately results in failure. Our article today focuses on this mission's subsidiary task, i.e., opening the Vault safe.

The primary objective of the mission, Rock the Cradle, begins with acquiring the Crypto Wallet. Securing the item without raising an alarm or suspicion is the best way to tackle this mission. Doing otherwise would lead to the information on the device being deleted. Upon its completion players must unlock a vault, and our two-part guide will help gamers finish this task with absolute ease.

Unlocking the Vault safe in Payday 3's Rock the Cradle mission

After securing the Crypto Wallet in Rock the Cradle, players can move forward to unlock the Vault safe. The safe requires a four-digit code that needs to be entered into the scanner for ease of access. Follow these steps to easily complete the latter part of the mission:

Finding the four-digit code

The four-digit code for the Vault safe can be found in the Accounting office. Players will find two sets of codes, of which one will be fake, while the other will be real. These two codes will be scattered across the Accounting office, and can be found in the following places:

  • The safe in the Accounting room
  • Counters in the room.
  • Sprawled on one of the shelves.
  • Back closet in the room.
  • Players must note that this code can be unlocked by any Payday 3 player in the group. Furthermore, these codes and their placements will change in every playthrough of the mission.

    Accessing the Vault safe

    With the codes for the safe promptly secured, players must return to the location of the Vault and attempt to unlock it. Players must try out each code in order to rule out the fake. Once the correct code is dialed in, players will have exclusive access to the Vault safe and all the goodies it harbors.

    Players can begin emptying it, and essentially complete the task at hand. While our method demonstrates a quiet and calculated approach, the mission can also be done with guns blazing. However, with the escalated action, it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on the actual goal of the mission. The police force also becomes a constant hindrance, and so we urge players to follow our sneaky guide to easily complete this Payday 3 mission.

    Ever since Payday 3's release, the game has seen incredible success and overwhelmingly positive reviews across different platforms. The tricky vent entertaining nature of the Rock the Cradle mission also contributes to the title's popularity.

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