The Reverberate Wrap in Fortnite is a free reward that can be obtained by attending The Kid LAROI’s Wild Dreams Creative Concert, but there's a catch involved. Only players who attended the concert within the first 12 hours (between January 27 at 6:00 pm ET and January 28 at 6:00 am ET) are eligible to claim it.
Although the bonus reward was supposed to be given out on January 27/28 itself, there were some unfortunate delays. Sadly, not everyone was given the Wrap as soon as they attended and completed The Kid LAROI’s Wild Dreams Creative Concert. As of today, February 6, 2023, Epic Games has resumed handing out the rewards to all eligible players.
Much like any other Wrap, this one can be applied to all weapons and certain vehicles in-game. That being said, players shouldn't confuse this Wrap with the LAROI Free Style Wrap that's part of the The Rogue LAROI Outfit that's only available in the Item Shop.
Can I obtain the Reverberate Wrap in Fortnite by attending The Kid LAROI concert today?
Although you can still attend The Kid LAROI’s Wild Dreams Creative Concert in Fortnite even today (Map Code: 2601-0606-9081), the Reverberate Wrap won't be given out to those who only do so now. Since it was a free 'exclusive' reward for those who attended the concert in the first 12 hours of it going live, it's now officially vaulted.
That said, Epic Games may choose to add it to the Item Shop at a later date and time, but for now, there's nothing to suggest the same. On that note, for those who have attended the concert within the first 12 hours and haven't received the Reverberate Wrap yet, they should likely have it in their locker by the end of the day.
If you're eligible and the Reverberate Wrap hasn't been provided to you by today, it would be a good idea to contact the Epic Games support team and inform them about it. That said, it's always best to wait at least another day before contacting the support team.
Given the sheer volume of players that attended the concert, handing out the rewards will most likely take some time. Nevertheless, those who attended the concert within the first 12 hours of it going live will be rewarded with the Reverberate Wrap in Fortnite Chapter 4.
What makes the Reverberate Wrap so special in Fortnite?
Besides being the official Wrap that's associated with The Kid LAROI, it's both animated and reactive in nature. Considering that it's free, it's quite the steal, to be honest. Several Wraps that cost V-Bucks aren't as good as this one. In fact, in Chapter 4 Season 1, this is potentially one of the best Wraps available.
Furthermore, now that it's been vaulted, or at the very least, been made exclusive, its value has skyrocketed. Given that not everyone was able to attend The Kid LAROI’s Wild Dreams Creative Concert in the first 12 hours of it going live, only a handful of players have it.
If nothing else, owning a cosmetic in Fortnite that's both a freebie and rare (at least for the time being) is a win-win situation for the player. It's left to be seen if the 'rare' status is permanent or temporary. Even if the latter comes to pass, players who currently own it, have obtained it for free.
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