Fire is an absolute necessity for survival in the Endnight Games' latest horror survivor, Sons of the Forest. Somewhat similar to what our Homo Sapien ancestors did thousands of years ago, you will have to light a fire the hard way to survive and cook food in the game. The only difference is that players get a lighter right from the beginning of the storyline.
This guide will provide assistance on what needs to be done to light up a fire in Sons of the Forest.
Step-by-step guide on how to craft a fire in Sons of the Forest
To start a fire, you only need two Sticks as well as a Lighter. Sticks can be found on the ground or by chopping down bushes and shrubs with your Axe. You can also ask Kelvin to perform this task.
To light up a fire in the game, you will have to equip a stick in your hands from the inventory and right-click to toggle the placing action until you see the white dotted marker of two small sticks side by side.
Press the left-click mouse button to break the Stick in two and place them on the ground. You will be prompted to break another Stick and add it to the kindling for the fire.
Once you have two sticks placed, you can light the fire by holding down the interact button, which is E by default, to use your Lighter on the kindling. A leaf will be used to start the fire, and you'll be able to enjoy its warmth and light.
Note that while it's possible to start a fire with just one Stick, it won't last long, so it's recommended to use two Sticks for a longer-lasting fire.
How to cook food using fire in Sons of the Forest?
Fire can serve various purposes in Sons of the Forest, from providing warmth and vision during the dark nights to cooking raw meat and other foods to make them more nutritious.
To cook food, interact with a lit fire and place raw food on it. You can cook multiple items at once on a single fire.
To exit the food placing menu, press G and wait until the food changes color, indicating that it's cooked. Now, you must pick up the cooked food from the fire and eat it by selecting it from your inventory.
This aspect adds another dimension to your gameplay experience and helps keep you nourished while exploring the wilderness.
Mentioned above is all you need to know about how to light a fire with only two sticks. Keep checking back on us for more Sons of the Forest guides and all the latest news, updates, and rumors in the gaming world.
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