Genshin Impact Fecund Hamper location

June 2024 ยท 4 minute read

Genshin Impact's new event tasks you with locating unique chests scattered across Mondstadt. Finding these chests will reward you with a Fecund Blessing, which can be used to gain special rewards and furnishings. These chests can be found with the help of clues granted by the characters who have hidden the Fecund Hampers.

This guide will show you how to locate the hamper hidden by Klee.

How to collect the Fecund Hamper near the old battered cart in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact players have a ton to do thanks to the game's newest event, Of Ballads and Brews. This event provides an opportunity to complete several different event types, including one where they have to track down hidden treasure.

Finding all the hidden treasures can be tricky, and you can find a guide to locating the Fecund Hamper near the old battered cart here. Collecting Fecund Blessings comes with some special rewards, so be sure to track them all down.

This specific Fecund Hamper was hidden near Starfell Lake by Klee, and you can find it pretty quickly after teleporting to the area. The clue says that Klee hid it by an old battered cart, which can be seen upon turning right after teleporting to Starfell Lake's Statue of the Seven. The cart is broken down and lying on the ground near some bushes just across the small pond.

The hamper's location (Image via Genshin Impact/WoW Quests)

Once you see it, all you need to do is run over to the cart to grab the Fecund Hamper hidden in the bushes next to it. Enter the bushes and interact with the chest to open it up and gain the rewards inside, along with marking off one of the eight Fecund Hampers in The Feast in Full Swing set. This chest can be tricky to see in the bushes, so you may want to use the map location provided below.

The hamper's location (Image via Genshin Impact)

If you're having a hard time finding the hamper, just head on over to the location shown on the map above. As you approach the spot, an icon will appear on the minimap to make finding it much easier.

You will receive a special furnishing piece, 20,000 Mora, and two Agnidus Agate Fragments from the hamper. All eight of these hampers will need to be collected to finish the page, so grabbing this easy Fecund Hamper should be your first step.

All Fecund Hamper locations

The above video will provide you with the locations of all the Fecund Hampers in The Feast in Full Swing. Collecting them all will provide some great rewards, including Primogems and Festive Fever.

Genshin Impact's latest event provides players with the opportunity to track down some unique chests scattered across Mondstadt.

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